Younger MSC in Europe: “A Heart for Europe”
Monday March 25, 2024

Like a baby who is being formed in its mother’s womb, so the MSC European entity must be formed in the spiritual womb of our Mother, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
Thus, we gathered from all over the world, from Fiji to Cameroon, from Congo to Belgium, from India to Haiti, Korea, Senegal, Indonesia, and Ireland, in our maternal church: la Basilique du Notre-Dame du Sacre Coeur in Issoudun. This is the place where our founder, Fr. Jules Chevalier MSC, was inspired to form our congregation.
“It is always nice to come home,” many emotionally shared. It is also lovely that brothers get together and get to know each other; that’s the delight of their parents.
Fr. Daniel Auguie MSC welcomed us, saying, “Set the example for the provincial gathering next week. Jules Chevalier’s vision is also our vision. Europe has aged, but it is not dead”.
On these encouraging words, we began the meeting. The first morning, we shared a bit about our lives, who we are, and how we got there as men and as MSCs. Then, in the afternoon, we were invited to reflect on what struggles hinder our mission and how to use European problems as advantages for the mission. As Fr. Chevalier reminds us, “Obstacles are means”.
On the second day, we were all very excited to visit Richelieu. It’s always a profound experience to be in this town and literally step on the same stones walked by Fr. Chevalier. However, we were somewhat disappointed to discover that the birthplace is rather run down and the commemorative plaque is barely readable.
Some of us, wanting to emulate the young Jean Jules in everything, were hoping to find a fruit stall selling apples in the nearby market, yet our mischievous intentions remained unsatisfied. Despite these minor setbacks, when we had the honour of celebrating Mass in the church, our desires were widely fulfilled and even increased by the privilege of using Saint Vincent de Paul’s chalice. Each one got a picture holding it.
Like Jesus saving the best wine for last, the third day was dedicated to hard work. The morning was spent in uplifting conversations based on the “Affirmations & Recommendations” document issued by the General Chapter. The sharing focused on several of its topics, with an emphasis on MSC identity, internationality, mission, formation, the role of the laity, and vocation.
The afternoon saw a very encouraging and enriching conversation on practical suggestions for the emerging European entity. “A European entity, independent from Provinces, is a necessity”, seemed to be the predominant voice. Despite the usual miscommunication and the natural and healthy disagreements, one brother beautifully concluded, “During these days, I actually felt like being with my brother MSC”. Indeed the “Heart for Europe” is already beating.
The group shared a deep sense of gratitude for each other’s sharing. Everyone was especially grateful to Fr. Mark MSC and Fr. Sebastian MSC for the huge effort they put into organising the gathering.
One last thing: As an English confrere always says, “a bird cannot fly only on one wing,” so neither can we talk only about business. Each night was characterized by very enjoyable socialising, relaxing, singing, and dancing.
The last evening, Sr. Marie Christine Kunzi FDNSC, French Provincial Superior, joined us for Mass, which we celebrated in the chapel at the foot of the statue of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
With the help of our Mother Mary, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, may we be formed by the Holy Spirit, that the new European entity may come into light and bear much fruit, so that the love of the Heart of Jesus may set the whole world on fire. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.
Giacomo Gelard, msc