“What I have I Give you”
Provincial Chapter in France

- Daniel Augie – reelected Provincial
From October 18 to 24, the Province of France/Switzerland celebrated its Chapter which had been postponed twice because of the COVID pandemic. It was attended by seventeen MSC, with Fr. André CLAESSENS, present as delegate of Fr. General.
The theme was the words of Peter to the lame man at the beautiful gate: “I have neither gold nor silver, but what I have I give you”. In a spirit of listening and sharing, we were able to discover what each of us can give to the service of the MISSION.
Three major themes emerged and allowed us to write the orientations for the next three years. The future of our presence in Issoudun, the place where the Congregation was founded. The visibility of the MSC in France/Switzerland by means of the ANNALS, the WEBSITE (social networks), and the PASTORAL OF VOCATIONS, and the MSC in mission in Europe.
The following are other additional directions taken by the CHAPTER: The members of the “Chevalier Family” – JPIC (Justice Peace Integrity of Creation) – the protection of minors and vulnerable persons – the health and aging of the confrères – the revision of the Provincial Statutes which organize life and mission in the province of France/Switzerland.
On October 21, the anniversary of the death of the Servant of God, Jules CHEVALIER, we elected Fr. Daniel AUGUIÉ for a second mandate of three years.
All the members of the Chapter were happy with this fraternal experience which allowed us to regain courage for the mission despite of the challenging situation in Europe. Our hope remains very much alive. More than ever, we want to be “THE HEART OF GOD ON EARTH”.
The Chapter Secretariat.