Saturday April 8, 2023

The three Congregations that form part of the Chevalier Family came together last 5 April for the first meeting of the year 2023. This meeting was held at the General House of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart in Sutri, a city near Rome. The hosts, MSC sisters, the Daughters of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart and we, Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, were present with the whole Leadership Team . We were 16 people in total: the three generals, the 4 councilors of each congregation and secretary Rafa, MSC.
In this meeting we were able to talk about our common works like COR-AMERIA, COR-VITAE, the dream of the foundation of COR-AFRICA, the Justice and Peace Commission, the CHEVALIER YEAR and of course the Laity of the Chevalier Family. In addition, each General presented a report on the ongoing work of each Congregation thus encouraging us to join our efforts to work together more and more from the charism of Father Jules Chevalier.
During the break time of the meeting, we could guarantee many good conversations, laughter, sharing and feeling of belonging in the same family. We were gifted with a warm welcome in this house of our sisters with good food, hugs and smiles, already living an Easter experience.