The New Provincial House of Korean MSC
Sunday February 18, 2024

The South Korean Province celebrated the blessing of their new Provincial House and chapel on 17 February. Lee Ki Heon, the Bishop of Weijeongbu Diocese, presided over the blessing mass alongside MSC priests. Many priests, brothers, sisters from other congregations and dioceses, the Lay Chevalier family, and other guests joined this sacred and rustic moment.
One of the still-young MSC provinces founded in 1985 by a few dedicated missionaries from a Philippine province now has a large community in its new house for the first time in its history, with over 13 professed brothers in it. The previous Provincial House was a connection between two old and small buildings, which could host only a few brothers of provincial administration and staff working for them. Provincial Superior Benedict Ko said, “It is a precious gift from God and a tough challenge for us to have this big community. However, I believe we can be transformed closer to the will of the Lord, building a warm fraternal community in this new house of God.”
Korean MSC spent over six years of discernment before they began raising funds for the new house. As they grew for over 30 years, they faced many difficulties, such as a lack of rooms, safety problems, and a small parking place, which they are now delighted to have solved.
The building has two basements, four floors, 17 rooms (including 2 for guests), and facilities like an administration office, recreation room, library, etc. The signature of the Provincial House is the chapel on the second floor, the Chapel of the Sacred Heart, which will take your breath away when you enter. A beautiful and artistic cross, tabernacle, altar, station of the cross, and stained glasses will inspire you. One of the walls was filled with thousands of small square-shaped stones named Ex Voto, making the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The names of the benefactors were engraved on several levels of the grey-coloured stones, and more names will hopefully be added.
Local Catholic churches and people have welcomed and were happy to have a wonderful congregation at their site. In the homily of the blessing mass, Bishop Lee described MSC as a village on the mountain. He expressed his joy and wishes that all the people in the diocese would be comforted by witnessing MSC’s fraternal love and precious spiritual heritage. The Korean Province is taking its second step in the Korean mission with its new Provincial House. The members are burning with missionary zeal, asking for more prayers and support to keep being the heart of Jesus on earth.
Richard Kim, msc