The identity and profile we expect from our employees, in the light of our MSC charism
Tuesday July 23, 2024

Lucemir, MSC. The quest to clarify our charismatic identity and spiritual heritage is essential for the continuity of our mission as the Chevalier Family. If we lose sight of the source, we lose our way. Or, if we’re unclear about our purpose, we won’t know where we’re going. This work of identifying our charism, spirituality and mission has accompanied us and helped us a lot in recent years as a Congregation. This search for greater clarity about our charismatic identity brings hope and guides our journey as consecrated men and women of the Chevalier Family.
Our mission, which has always been a ‘mission together’ with lay people, is a testament to the integral role they play in our organization. It is essential that all those who work with us in our various areas of activity are also continuers and participants in this mission. We expect our direct collaborators, the laypeople, to embody our charism, spirituality, and mission. However, we acknowledge that this doesn’t always happen, and we understand the various reasons behind it.
Looking closely at this aspect, we know that part of this situation also involves moments of formation, where we can share, clarify and point out aspects that are dear to us and essential for our life as the Chevalier Family. So we are taking some initiatives here in our São Paulo Province. We are trying to bring together our collaborators (lay professionals who work in our works: parishes, retreat houses, shrines, and schools) to reflect on and share the passion, vision and mission (as Hans Kwakman, MSC, reminds us) that moved our founder, Fr Chevalier, and from this reflection, what mission, vision and values form the profile we expect from our collaborators today. We have also shared this reflection with the collaborators who work specifically in the Brazilian Province of the Daughters of NSSC schools. It has been a beautiful experience of rediscovery and one from which much hope has sprung.