The First and Final vows in Indonesia
Saturday August 31, 2024

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, the MSC Congregation of the Indonesian Province received another blessing when 18 brothers professed their vows for the first time, and Brother Dominggus Mergwar MSC professed his perpetual vows. The joy was enhanced by the fact that Father General Mario Absalon Alvarado Tovar MSC, led the profession of vows ceremony directly.
MSC Indonesia Provincial, Samuel Maranresy MSC, at the beginning of the celebration, said this celebration is a very special celebration because many brothers, families, and congregations attend it.
The presence of Father Absalon as General further enhanced the honour. “He said that as a general, this was his first time leading the celebration of first and perpetual vows. Formerly, he never did because he usually assigned the province,” stated Father Sam.
Father Absalon’s homily addressed the significance of the vocation as a Sacred Heart Missionary. He underlined that the vocation is always everlasting. “You have completed the novitiate and definitely heard God’s call.”
The Confreres were present at this event to commemorate their inauguration as MSC monks. The majority of them commemorate July 25th as their anniversary. “I think there are around 20 batches celebrating their MSC anniversary here. This is incredible,” the General commented.
The day before, on July 24, 2024, the Provincial led over a Eucharistic liturgy to welcome new novices. This canonical year will involve 23 novices. To the novices, the provincial advised them to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the order, especially regarding the constitution of the MSC congregation.
These events took place at the Church of St. Joseph the Worker in Karanganyar, Kebumen – Central Java, which is affiliated with the MSC Sananta Sela Novitiate.
Alexander Sisko, MSC