The end of an Era in the Canadian Province

On April 7th – 8th an important gathering took place in Québec. Some 13 members of the MSC province assembled to celebrate the provincial conference and chapter. All the members of the province were convened for this historical event. Why historical?
In his opening address, the provincial Fr. Marc-André Gingras made it clear that the main purpose of the conference was to come to terms with the project of a fusion with the province of Santo Domingo that was on the table since 2017. The chapter had to elect a new provincial as well.
For the merging of the two provinces, a workgroup had prepared a draft proposal that previously had been submitted to the members of both provinces and amended by them. The workgroup worked together with a canonist and a civil lawyer but unfortunately, the pandemic didn’t allow them to finalize it earlier and celebrate the chapter in 2020.
The proposal was now adopted by a large majority and the chapter decided to submit it to the General Superior so that all the Canadian confreres can become a community of the Dominican MSC province. This province will also discuss the agreement later this month during their provincial chapter. Their provincial Fr. Juan Tomảs Garcỉa Pichardo took part in our assembly.

Fr. Gilles SAVARD, MSC – New Provincial of Candian Province
After the vote on the proposal for the fusion of both provinces, the chapter assembly proceeded with the election of a new provincial. On the first ballot Fr. Gilles SAVARD obtained the required majority of voices. Fr. Gilles was on leave for health reasons and booked already his return ticket to his mission in Mexico. We are all very grateful for his availability to be the new leader of this aging province. The average age of the 16 members of the province is 80 and they went through a process of “letting go” of ministries and properties. Today 12 of them are living in a nursing home together with the Sisters of St.Joseph of Bordeaux, the Brothers of St. Vincent, and a number of laypeople. When they closed the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart here in Québec the Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament offered them hospitality but when they sold their (too) big property they found a new home in the facility of the Sisters.

Fr. Marc-Andre Gingras, MSC
A whole-hearted “thank you” was given to Fr. Marc-André for his dedicated service to the province, altogether 20 years of his life.
We wish Fr. Gilles and the whole province to be happy in the emerging future because the mission goes on!
As a souvenir of this event the province published an interesting book La Province Canadienne des Missionnaires du Sacré-Cœur. Son histoire, ses artisans. Tome 2, 94 p. The first part of the book was published by Fr. Yvon Labbé in 1989. Congratulations !
(Andre Claessens)