Supervised Pastoral Education in FIJI
April 8, 2023 MSC Ongoing Formation Commission
Saturday August 12, 2023

The Graduation Mass of the Supervised Pastoral Education (SPE) program of Jan. – March 2023 was celebrated by Fr. Augustine KIM, MSC, Supervisor of the SPE program of the Archdiocese of Suva, at the Pacific Regional Seminary (PRS) on the 31st of March 2023. This is the third graduation of the SPE program on the Pacific Islands since January 2022.
There were eight seminarians who graduated this time. They finished 4 years of theological studies at PRS and are taking a pastoral year this year 2023. Out of eight graduates, two are from MSC, six are from different dioceses of the Pacific Islands – two are from the Diocese of Tarawa and Nauru, one is from Toga and Niue, one is from Port Villa Vanuatu, one is from Samoa, and one is from Caroline.
They had undergone a deep process for ten weeks to know who they are and to learn how to minister to people they meet in their respective pastoral areas. They learned how to reconcile and accept their woundedness, people, and self so that they may become full gifts for other people and instruments of God.
SPE is a method of professional, theological, and pastoral education wherein a student/ trainee learns pastoral care counseling skills within the context of a responsible relationship and under the direction of a clinically trained SPE supervisor. It provides continuing education for the theological, psychological, and emotional concerns of persons in crisis.
SPE program is open to seminarians, the religious, clergy, lay leaders, and other denominations as well. It is an ecumenical pastoral education program and helps to get their clear personal and religious identity as well. The next SPE program begins on the 6th of June 2023. The deadline for enrollment in the SPE application is the end of April 2023.
Priests from left, Fr. Simon, MSC, Rector of PRS, Fr. Augustine Kim, MSC, SPE supervisor, Fr. Frank Hoar, Columano, Fr. Keleto,MSC, Formator
Fr. Augustine KIM, MSC in Fiji