Religious life is a journey, and missionary life is an adventure all of its own. Missionary priests and brothers walk this path, responding to God’s invitation to follow Him. It is in this faithfulness that our MSCs find strength when challenges or obstacles arise, or when the future may seem uncertain. The way of a missionary is not always easy, but if it is for you, then it will be the most rewarding choice you will ever make.
When you, following a time of discernment with our vocations director, make the choice to join our congregation you enter into our formation programme. Working together, we look at how we can foster your intellectual, spiritual, and personal dimensions. A solid academic foundation is important, as we need to be ready to give a compelling reason for the hope that is within us. To this end you would study both philosophy and theology, as well as the possibility of further postgraduate courses when appropriate. Formation is a time of special focus on our relationship with God. Through times of community and individual prayer, as well as opportunities to deepen your capacity for solitude and openness to the Holy Spirit, your relationship with God grows. Our programme is built on the understanding that we are called to holiness by God by virtue of our baptism. Aside from prayer and study, this call is also experienced in how we serve our brothers and sisters. Formation has a range of opportunities to reach out to people on the margins and witness to the love of God in concrete acts of compassion and solidarity.
A journey is more fulfilling when shared with others, and the missionary calling is no exception. Living a religious life means being part of a bigger picture, part of a community. Living and working with other MSC members provides a steady network of company, support, and encouragement. The MSC community ensures that all of our missionaries have a sense of belonging in a shared vision and a shared story.
Different MSCs live in a variety of ways, depending on their circumstances. An MSC may live in a community of ten or more, they may share a house with only two or three others, or they may even live alone, but remain attached to a nearby community with whom a special bond is shared.
It is important to remember those existing bonds – bonds with one’s family, with one’s friends, with the wider Church, and with society as a while. These relationships are extremely important in themselves, and play a vital role in ensuring a happy, fulfilled life.
All of God’s people are called to treat everybody with kindness, understanding, and love, in the image of God’s mercy. What sets religious life apart, however, are the values that lie behind the three religious vows of poverty, obedience, and celibacy. Simply put, this is what these vows entail:
- The vow of poverty involves living life only with that which is needed, eliminating the distractions of a world largely concerned with material belongings and financial gains.
- The vow of obedience deals with the question of how we, as priests and brothers, manage our choices and our decisions, working for the greater good of our community and our society rather than for personal selfishness.
- The vow of celibacy considers how we employ human nature in our daily lives, incorporating the ability to relate to others with warmth and understanding, while renouncing the right to marriage in order to devote ourselves wholly to religious life and our shared missionary vision.
Any adventure, or any journey, is focused on reaching a destination, or setting a goal that drives us forward. In the life of an MSC missionary, this quest is simple: that all people should come to know and experience the compassionate and merciful love of God, as it is revealed through the heart of Christ. If you think this is something you might be called to or if you would just like to know more, let us know. Our vocations directors would be happy to speak with you and explore where God is inviting you today.
- South Korea
- India
- Vietnam
- Philippines
- Indonesia
- El Salvador
- Dominican Republic
- Haiti
- Europe
- Papua Nova Guinea
- Papua Nova Guinea
- Indonesia