MSC Indian Union Chapter
The Second Chapter in India

The second chapter of the Indian Union began on the 25th of October 2021 at Portiuncula, the Franciscan Renewal Centre situated in a historical city of south India, Mysore. The theme selected for the chapter was ‘United We Serve’. There were 26 delegates as participants and the facilitator was Br. Philip Pinto CFC (a former Superior General of the Christian Brothers). Fr. Thatheus Darwin MSC, the Superior of the Union of India presided over the Holy Eucharist on the inaugural day which was con-celebrated by the council members of the union. He preached his homily on the gospel passage of Mark 10:46-52. He pointed out the hurdles which blind Bartimaeus had to overcome in his pursuit to receive his sight.
His message at the beginning of the chapter took every delegate to understand the importance of the chapter and the role of each delegate in leading the Union to further pastures of mission to spread the Charism. He advocated for every member to set aside fears and place complete trust and confidence in the Lord in order to have proper sight and insight. After the declaration of the formal opening of the Chapter the delegates had an opportunity to listen to the Superior General Rev. Fr. Abzalon Alvarado Tovar MSC on Zoom. He suggested the chapter to foster deep listening among the members and to consider this chapter as an occasion for proper discernment. He invited all to understand the prophetic nature of a delegate to promote synodality and suggested to be responsible and committed as these play key roles in leading to success.
On the second day, the chapter was blessed with the presence of His Grace Rev. K. A William, the bishop of Mysore. His Lordship celebrated the Holy Eucharist and preached sermon on Synodality and the process of making synodality a reality.
Different groups were created among the delegates of the chapter for the smooth functioning of the program and those groups celebrated the Holy Eucharist on the following days in the mornings with which a day of the chapter was started and the same groups animated the prayer sessions during the chapter. Sports and recreation were also part of the schedule. Various reports such as the Union Superior’s report, report on formation, finance, apostolate, JPIC, education, mission office, and vocation recruitment were presented. The facilitator guided the members to delve into the depths of reality in the presented scenario and to make contributions for further discernment. Plan for the near future, financial stability, brotherhood, and stewardship and a clear sense of direction were a few concerns raised by the members.
Discussions and deliberations were made in order to strengthen the connectivity among members and to improve the network of fraternal relationships. Another area where the chapter looked at was the empowerment of members and making each missionary of the Sacred Heart in India equipped to launch a variety of ministries and to welcome future mission opportunities with great confidence and courage.
Disorientation towards religious life and self-centeredness were pointed out as evils slowly poisoning the vitality of the community life. The need to get connected to nature was also paraphrased and invited all members to promote eco-friendly spirituality and a way of life.

Chris Chaplin Attending the Chapter from Rome
Rev. Fr. Chris Chaplin addressed the chapter members on Zoom on the last day. His message was heart-warming and thought-provoking for the young Indian Union to inculcate evangelical spirit and mission. He stressed the need to make ‘deep listening’ an integral part of the growth of the Union. He appreciated the Indian Confreres working in various countries and thanked each and every member who was pivotal in making this chapter to be a reality.
The Superior of the Union of India announced the great interest shown by the General administration team to work on the process of making the Union a province in 2023. After thanking everybody Fr. Thatheus Darwin made the declaration of the formal closing of the chapter at the evening session on 29/10/2021.
Fr. Lal Thomas MSC