Korean Chapter
“The challenge and the hope of Korean MSC in the Post-Corona Era”

The Chapter of South Korean Province, begun with the Opening Mass on October 25th. It finished in the love of God and prayers from many people with Mass on the 29th.
The Chapter was held in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Gangwha Island, one and a half hours from the main house in Seoul. Most of the members of the province who are working either in or out of Korea were present in a hybrid form, with both face-to-face attendance and/or using the Zoom platform online. The delegates from Lay MSC groups were invited and made their presentations on the main theme on the fourth day of the Chapter. Fr. Chris Chaplin, MSC, attended important sessions every day from Rome, on behalf of the General Leadership.
“The challenge and the hope of Korean MSC in the Post-Corona Era” was the title of the Chapter, and it was thoroughly studied and talked about by all members of the province. In order for this to be accomplished effectively, the Korean Administration supplied resources about the main theme to each regional group and all committees in advance, such as simplified questions and presentations about the Post-Corona Era from experts in that field. The main topics discerned by the Chapter assembly included Formation, Public Relations, Social Welfare, Finance, Mission, JPIC, and Laity. There were a few revisions of the Province Statues and local Directories of the young province.
Father Benedict Ko, MSC, was re-elected as Provincial Superior, and will be beginning his second term from 8th December, our Foundation Day, with the four council members nominated by him and elected at Chapter, Fr. Ireneo Lee, Fr. Paul Yang, Fr. Andrea Seo, and Fr. Michael Cho. Father Richard Kim was elected as the Delegate of the Korean Province to attend the next General Chapter in 2023.
- Fr. Benedict Ko (Reelected Superior with the Councilors
Richard Kim, MSC
Province of South Korea