India, the new MSC Province
Monday March 18, 2024

Saturday, March 16th, was indeed a memorable day for the Indian branch of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart: Four celebrations rolled into one. Father Mike Miller, General Secretary in Rome, and Father Michael Huber, Provincial in South Germany/Austria, were present for the occasion.
1. The first of the four celebrations was the Ordination to the Diaconate by the Archbishop of Bangalore, Peter Machado, of the following three MSC :
Vinodh Kumar from the Bangalore Archdiocese, Karnataka State, aged 39
Karthik Raja Kekar from the Madurai Archdiocese in Tamil Nadu State, aged 30; and
Sesu Raj Sekar from the Mysore Diocese, Karnataka State, aged 31.
2. The second celebration involved the Formal Erection of MSC INDIA as a Province.
It was established as a Union back in 1997. Now that MSC INDIA has become a Province, Father Darwin Thatheus will continue on until December as Provincial, assisted by the current Council members. Father General has indicated that a Provincial Chapter should be held sometime in August 2024 to approve our new Provincial Statutes. Subsequently, an Elective Assembly should be held in October to elect a Provincial and Council. Whoever is elected (or re-elected) will take office in December.
3. The third celebration was the 200th Birthday of our Founder, Father Jules Chevalier.
4. The fourth celebration involved the Official Blessing and Opening of the Chevalier Academy.
This primary and secondary school was built on the site that formerly housed the MSC Formation House at Bellandur Gate. The Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Church occupies the other major portion of this property. The Chevalier Academy will serve the needs of many of our parishioners’ children in what is now a major growth area of Bangalore. The Academy started enrolling a few Grade 1 students last year, utilising the few ready classrooms. Now that the construction has been completed, a formal opening and blessing of the Academy was appropriate.