Everywhere: Korean Provincial Chapter
Sunday November 10, 2024

I arrived in Korea to facilitate the Province Chapter held on October 28 – November 1 in their new Provincial House near Seoul. Benedict Ko, the incumbent provincial, was very enthusiastic about their new provincial house building in Gyeong-gi. It is very modern and comfortable. All facilities are provided for a community of thirteen members, particularly the older men who reside there.
I injured my back on the last day of retreat in the Philippines, so I moved very carefully during that week. I am grateful to the province for getting me a mattress that supported my back. Then, during the week of the Chapter, they introduced me to acupuncture and chiropractic manipulation. It was extremely helpful and enabled me to do the work I had to do without pain. The hospitality of our confrères in Korea is worthy of praise and appreciation.
I prepared the facilitation with Ireneo Lee and the other members of the Chapter Task Force (Preparation Committee) and with Sr. Nathaneal MSC, who translated for us.
The Chapter was held in the Chapel. Half the pews were removed, and five circular tables were placed in the space created towards the rear of the Chapel, mirroring the General Chapter layout. Each table held five to six capitulants. Translation was enabled through a special broadcasting room in the loft at the rear of the Chapel. The Chapter process was Communal Wisdom, with prayerful reflection on the chapter agenda, followed by table sharing at the level of “me.” After a second short reflection, the groups would share the insights that had come for the whole province at the “we” level, with recommendations flowing from this communal voice. The Chapter theme was “from EGO to ECO” A spirit of community and apostolate direction for the future. Acts 4:32 “One heart and one spirit.”
The capitulants commented positively on the difference between the parliamentary process they had used in their two previous Chapters and the ease and calmness of this methodology.
Significant recommendations of the Chapter flowed from reflection on replies from a consultation of the Districts and reports given by committees on Formation, Spirituality, Finance and Architecture Master Plan, JPIC, Communication, Safeguarding, Social Welfare, and Mission. A session with the Lay MSC encouraged them to join the tables with the capitulants and enter into the communal wisdom process. This allowed some very fruitful resolutions to be proposed.
Midway through the Chapter, the Pßrovincial election took place, and Fr. Damaso Shin was elected on the second ballot. He takes office at the end of the year. On the final day of the chapter, ballots for council members were held, and the result was that Fr. Matthew Park, Br. Francisco, Fr. Abraham Lee, and Fr. Richard Kim were elected to the new Council.
The Chapter was an incredibly positive experience and remarkably successful, given that I speak no Korean and that the entire process required translation. We congratulate Damaso and his new Council on their election and offer them our prayers for a smooth transition and God’s blessing upon them over the next three years of leadership. Gratitude and congratulations to the whole province and their dedication to their MSC life and the Congregational mission.
Chris Chaplin, MSC