Everywhere: Days of Togetherness in Japan

Thursday December 26, 2024

When Fr. Chris Chaplin, MSC, one of the MSC General Leadership Team, arrived at our MSC convent in Nagoya on Saturday, November 16, 2024, I was offering Mass at Sabae Catholic Church, one of three churches of Fukui Parish. The following day, Sunday, November 17, Fr. Frits Ponomban MSC and I (together from Indonesia) celebrated Sunday Mass with the congregation of Fukui Catholic Church. We received three cute babies into the Catholic Church during that Sunday Mass. Around 3 pm, Fr. Frits and I went to another parish, Tsuruga Catholic Church, to pick up Fr. Arun Kumar, MSC (from India). In one car, we went to the next parish, Kakamigahara Catholic Church, to meet Fr. John Graham MSC (from Australia) and Fr. Joey Mission MSC (from the Philippines), who had arrived there from Ogaki Catholic Church. We went together by two cars to the RSCJ retreat house in Susono, Shizuoka Prefecture, and arrived there around 11 pm. We then met Fr. Priyo Susanto MSC (from Indonesia) at the front door, who had arrived earlier from Konan Catholic Church. Fr. Brian Taylor MSC and Fr. Kenji Konda MSC (both from Australia) also had arrived from Gifu Catholic Church. Fr. Chris, Fr. Keith Humphries MSC (from Australia), and Fr. Bern Tethool MSC (from Indonesia) had also arrived by car from Nagoya.

On a quiet Monday, November 18, in the dining room, I was going to put a classical CD into the player when Fr. Chris came to me and greeted me warmly that morning. “Good morning, Carol.” “Ah, Chris, good morning. Good to see you.” Soon after, Fr. Rey Tibon, MSC (from the Philippines), arrived at the retreat house from Johokubashi Catholic Church.

So, twelve of the MSCs started that first-day retreat together in Susono. Fr. Chris invited us to slow down and fully arrive before we began our retreat journey. On the first day, He led us to see again many encounters in our days, especially our first encounter with the Lord in our vocational journey as MSC. On the second day, He invited us to a deep intimacy with Jesus, to come as we are, to be more open and vulnerable with Jesus. On the third day, he encouraged us to let Jesus transform our hearts by letting go of everything that hindered our deep relationship with Him. The process of surrendering everything to Jesus the Light continued on the fourth day. We were helped to recognise many kinds of stones in our hearts and to let them go in front of the light of Jesus. We were encouraged that the abundance of our hearts enables the transformation of our whole hearts so that we could let come fully the mission given by the Lord. To bring the love of Jesus to the world, our hearts were greeted, invited, challenged, and sent by His spirit. I remember that Fr. Chris said that as MSC, we are echoing the heart of Jesus in the world. We are called not only to be MSC but to become MSC; not only to be brothers but to become brothers.

Fr. Sadami Takayama, MSC (from Japan), arrived at the retreat house from Shirayuri University on the fourth day. Thirteen of the MSC could be met again in the retreat house. We had lauds together, breakfast, morning conference, and personal reflection time. In the afternoon, we had another conference and daily Mass. After dinner, we had adoration and social time together. We will probably forget many conferences, but the unique presence of each conference has been deeply carved inside the heart. Thanks to Fr. Chris for the accompaniment during the retreat.

On Friday, November 22, we renewed our vows during the closing Mass and had dinner together before we left the retreat house. Fr. Chris entered Fukui’s car again and went home with Fr. Frits, Fr. Arun and I. On the way back, we turned our car into a karaoke room. We had a fun singing time together in the car. Fr. Frits drove us to the Hamamatsu Rest Area. Fr. Arun drove us to Tsuruga Parish, where Fr. Chris rested for one night, and I drove Fr. Frits to Fukui Parish. The next day, around 6 pm, I went to Fukui train station to pick up Fr. Chris and spent some minutes talking at a bread shop together. Before 7 pm, we had to go to the reserved Japanese meat restaurant. By one car, Fr. Chris and I picked up Fr. Frits and ate dinner together. I’m grateful for the close synodal encounter with Fr. Chris in Fukui. What a special gift. The next day, we celebrated Sunday Mass together and had dinner before going by car to Nagoya for our two days of assembly.

Brother Babetara Anetoka MSC (from Kiribati) renewed his vows during the 5 pm Mass on the first day of the MSC Japan Community 2024 Assembly. Fr. Toan Dinh Vinh MSC (from Vietnam) and Deacon Devid Abram MSC (from Indonesia) also participated in the Eucharist. Three of them could not join the retreat and the assembly because they had classes at the Center of Japanese Studies of Nanzan University.

Fr. Chris accompanied us during the assembly. On the first day, November 25, we listened to reports and sharings from each confrere. On the second day, November 26, we read the MSC Japan Community’s Statutes in Japanese and English. Thanks for the open conversations. Otsukaresamadeshita.

Fr. Chris went back to Rome on Wednesday, November 27. We will meet again on another day as MSC, bounded by the same spirit of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What a journey. What a deep friendship. 神に感謝。 Thanks be to God.

Carol Sompotan, MSC