“Chevalier´s Day” celebrated in Rome
Friday October 22, 2021

- Fr. General
- Fr. General and Fr. Mario (Superior of the Italian Province)
- a painting by the artist Mauro Pallotta
- Fr. Humberto and italian formands
On the day of the earthly death of the Founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Father Jules Chevalier, the Generalate together with the Italian Province celebrated a moment of festivity and sharing in the General House in Via Asmara – Rome.
The celebrations for the 114th anniversary of the Founder’s death were particularly heartfelt this year, after last year’s forced halt due to the pandemic. Humberto Henriques, MSC responsible for Initial Formation in the Congregation, gave a talk to the four formands of the Italian Province on the charism and the figure of the Founder.
At 11.30 a.m., Fr General Abzalon Alvarado,MSC presided the Eucharist in the presence of many brothers who had gathered there. In his homily, Father General emphasized how important is today to be synodal, a subject that was also taken up at the last General Conference. At the end of the celebration, the Italian formandi presented the logo chosen for the 150th anniversary of the italian magazine “Annals”, a painting by the artist Mauro Pallotta (Maupal) which depicts, in a new and innovative style, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. The day ended with a fraternity lunch.
Rosario Vitale,
formand of the Italian Province