Accompaniment of the General Leadership Team to the International Community in Issoudun
Tuesday March 29, 2022

For two weeks, from February 21st to March 5th , 2022, there was something special in the international community of MSC in Issoudun. This privilege was manifested in the presence of the Fr. superior general, Fr. Absalón Alvarado Tovar MSC and all members of the MSC General Council (Fr. Andre Claessens, MSC, Fr. Chris Chaplin, MSC, Fr. Paul Pitoy, MSC , and Fr. Humberto Henriques, MSC. ). “This is certainly a historical event in the history of the congregation of MSC, because it is probably the first time that the Fr. Superior General and his council come to Issoudun together,” said one member of the MSC international community in Issoudun.
The confreres on mission in Issoudun at this time are Fr. Gerard Blattmann, MSC (Switzerland), Fr. Emerson (Dominican Rep.), Fr. Gabriel Naikoua (Cameroon), Fr. Raymond Lievre (France), Fr. Sebastian et Fr. Martin (India), Fr. Yongki Wawo (Indonesia). They all expressed deep joy at the willingness of the Fr. superior general and his Council to come and see more closely the reality of the pastoral mission in Issoudun. As the birthplace of the congregation, the mission in Issoudun has been the responsibility of all members of the congregation, since 2017. “The presence of MSC General Council in Issoudun really gives us a “new breath” and “joy to all of us members of the community,” said P. Sebastian.
The two-week joint activities were well planned. The first week (21 to 26 February) was the time for the meeting between the members of the international community of MSC in Issoudun and the members of MSC General Council. This of course really illustrates very well the synodal spirit in the shared mission. The second week was the time for the meeting intern of MSC General Council.
During the first week, there was time to share our respective vocations and missions. There was also a time when each member of the Issoudun community spoke with the MSC General Council, etc. “We dont come to Issoudun to give answers, but mainly to listen to your sharing,” said P. Absalon at the opening of the joint meeting with the MSC Issoudun community. The MSCs working in Issoudun expresses with full openness the reality of the mission they are experiencing.
Some of the guidelines provided by the MSC General Council help the members of MSC in Issoudun to see the reality of the mission in Berry more deeply. After sharing lively and in a brotherly atmosphere, we were invited to write about the practical steps, concrete resources, actual obstacles, and current realities, respectively. In addition, each member of the MSC Issoudun community makes suggestions for a better future mission at the birthplace of our congregation.
It was interesting that language was not a barrier to the sharing. At the beginning all tried to express ideas and feelings in English. By staying for two weeks in Issoudun, the MSC General Council, who previously spoke English, got used to speaking French, the language of the founders of MSC. Truly extraordinary.
At the end of the first week’s meeting, Fr. Absalon, MSC revealed that the “vrai patrimoine” in Issoudun are the members of MSC who work in Issoudun. These are certainly words of motivation for MSCs working in Issoudun to bring to life the birthplace of the MSC Congregation by maximizing “self-giving” according to the talents given to each of them.
On the evening of March 4, 2022, a farewell “conveniat night” was held. At that time, each of the confreres presented the unique dance from their respective country. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to spend two weeks living together in spirit as “brothers” in Issoudun. This certainly describes the words in the psalm often cited by Fr. Jules Chevalier “« Ah qu’il est bon qu’il est doux de vivre ensemble en frères ! » (Psaume 132).
Last but not the least, the visit has been accompanied by the Holy Spirit manifested by closeness, fraternity and attentive listening. It was a time to reread and share the quests, desires, hopes for our life and mission. This visit impels us to renew our gaze, to be the presence of God, to continue weaving our life and mission in the light of the Gospel, giving life to the calls of the Congregation and the the community of Issoudun in the reality in which we are inserted.
(P. Yongki Wawo, MSC)