Accompaniment: Indonesia
Saturday August 31, 2024

30 May to 06 August 2024. I wondered how to express nine weeks of accompaniment to our beloved MSC Province of Indonesia in an article. Then I thought it could be through the following acrostic:
I. Incredible. Incredibly welcome. It all made me feel at home; both the MSC confreres and the Laity of the Chevalier Family, and our parishioners were always very attentive to show how much they love to be MSC or how much they love and value the MSC. The numerous welcoming ceremonies showed and confirmed all this.
N. Novelty. The Newness of the Good News of Jesus. In our MSC missions in Indonesia, one always discovers something new. The newness of the diverse ministries: education, credit unions, social media, retreat houses, formation houses, JPIC Centers, many parishes, etc., confirm this novelty. Each mission has its peculiarity and uniqueness. Each island and region show the newness of the Kingdom. In Indonesia, we Catholics are a minority, but this minority bears witness to a significant commitment. This fragility is a great strength.
D. Diversity. Everything in Indonesia is ‘multi,’ multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual. It is an archipelago occupying a large part of the Pacific Ocean. There is so much diversity that you end up fascinated and challenged by the accompaniment. There are so many cultures and expressions of faith. Amid all that diversity, there are about 350 MSC in about 75 parishes and many other ministries. The MSC’s presence dates back to 1903, the year of the first arrival of the MSC. From that time to date, the MSC Charism, Spirituality, and Mission has taken on the color, smell, rhythm, and values of Indonesia’s cultural diversity.
O. Organization. Our MSC Province of Indonesia strives to maintain an organization through the districts of Moluccas, Meraoke, East Sulawesi-Kalimantan, Central Java-South Kalimantan, Jakarta-West Kalimantan-Sumatra, and Pinneleng-Manado Formation Community. Each district seeks the best for its organization to work from and with all its vulnerabilities to build the Reign of God.
N. Nazareth. The accompanying to this MSC Province was an experience that made me deeply remember the family of Nazareth. The sense of family always has many elements that need to be improved, and, as it is everywhere, this is very challenging. However, it is also an opportunity for our MSC Family to be an accurate reflection of the Family of Nazareth. I felt that this continues to encourage this whole MSC Province of Indonesia to show that it is possible to be an MSC family everywhere, as Fr Chevalier dreamt.
E. Ecosystem. Suppose one thing is confirmed in a reality like that of the Indonesian Province. In that case, it is imperative not to have an ego-systemic or island mindset, even if living in a beautiful archipelago. It is necessary to build an MSC ecosystem. As St. Paul says, to be one body made up of different parts, as one organic and living ‘body.’ The challenge is building an open life system from the Spirituality of the Heart. Pope Francis told the religious on his last trip that they were called to be bridges that unite all the islands, regions, and cultures in Indonesia. I reiterate this invitation to all MSC in Indonesia.
S. Service. In all meetings and personal conversations with members, I have shared that our identity card as MSC is SERVICE. I accompanied many living witnesses to the Service. In fact, many MSC are already living in it, often in silence, in remote regions, on islands far away, and close to very simple and needy people. I also urged them not to lose this spirit of SERVICE. I encouraged everyone to be aware of and resist modern evils threatening SERVICE. Among them, clericalism, individualism, the temptation of power, prestige, academicism, and money, as well as the installation and comfort zones, could make us lose the missionary Spirit of Service.
I. Indigenous. There is a lot of work in different regions of Indonesia with indigenous peoples. I was filled with hope and admiration. The indigenous people of Indonesia are struggling against all that the large extractive companies are doing and destroying their ancestral habitat. It broke my heart to hear how they are losing their lands, their homes, their lives. Several MSC are still there at the foot of today’s crucified hearts.
A. Admirable. I end this acrostic with heartfelt admiration for the commitment and dedication to the mission of our confreres and lay people in Indonesia. I also admire the presence of many Indonesian MSC collaborating in about ten countries worldwide. I appreciate all the organization, openness, trust, and sincerity manifested in personal, community, parish, leadership team, and other apostolic ministries conversations. I encourage everyone to keep going and show that living and strengthening our Missionary Identity in Indonesia and the world is possible. It is possible to live in unity and diversity, and it is possible to BE the heart of God on earth.
Abzalón Alvarado, MSC