Accompaniment in CA-MSC meeting
Saturday August 24, 2024

From July 9 to 17. I participated in the CA-MSC meeting of Formators and Superiors of Latin America. The gathering was held at the Santa Teresa Retreat House in Bogotá, Colombia. Twenty-four confrères were involved in the activity.
The presence of ten provincials was noted.: Moacir Figueiredo of Curitiba, Raúl Gabriel Mera of Central America. Hugo León Londoño of Colombia, Agustín Guzmán of the Dominican Republic, Ricardo Senduk of Ecuador, Joe McGee of Ireland, Mesías Neyra of Peru, Luis Carlos Araujo of Sao Paulo, Ronnie Diniz of Rio de Janeiro, Yonys Mendoza Delegate of Venezuela.
Eleven formators were noted to be present: Julio Cesar Molina and Jorge Gómez Rodríguez of Central America, Miguel Piamba of Colombia; Juan Gabriel Corona and Juan Tomás García of the Dominican Republic, Amos Jean of Haïti, Miguel Díaz Poma of Peru, Rafael Lima Coelho of Rio de Janeiro, Benedito Cortez, Girley Reis and Lucemir Ribeiro of Sao Paulo.
Also present were Humberto Henríquez, a facilitator from Rio de Janeiro, and Roberto Núñez as secretary of the Dominican Republic.
Hugo welcomed the participants on Tuesday evening with dinner. On Wednesday, July 10th in the morning, we gathered at the Retreat House San Teresa, run by the Teresian Sisters of Colombia in Bogotá.
Emmaus: formation of the heart. The 2023 Document on MSC Initial Formation. During the first three days, Humberto invited us to reflect on the dynamics in formation at the level of the Americas.
Humberto encouraged us to be enthusiastic about entering these days and reminded us that we face new paradigms. During this encounter, we were asked to connect with the Lord and offer our presence at the CA-MSC meeting. To continue deepening, the Gospel of the Disciples of Emmaus provided key elements. We had to personally reflect on the following questions: what questions do we have about initial training? What challenges do we encounter for the Lord to open our eyes? What questions do we bring in our hearts for this meeting? Like the disciples of Emmaus, we are faced with many questions.
Humberto gave a detailed explanation of the four movements of Heart Spirituality that are mentioned in the Emmaus Document on Initial Formation. Cuskelly’s contributions were the origin of the concepts of the four movements. Our spirituality brings mercy to the peripheries. The Church must be a place of mercy and compassion. We were asked: is there anything specific that we, as MSC can contribute to this world? How do we lead? What steps can we take to get outside ourselves and go to the peripheral areas? How can we ignite the flames of our missionary energy in our time? How can we combat self-centeredness and indifference in our society?
A paradigm shift and a complete shift in mindset are necessary to answer these questions. The mystery of the Heart’s spirituality is something we must embrace. Going from the Ego to the Eco. At this moment, it is essential to go through a significant paradigm shift.
There are two paradigms of organisational change: the old paradigm is to solve problems, whereas the new paradigm is a mystery to be embraced. From old to new, it goes as follows: identifying the problem vs finding what we did (encounter); analysing the cause vs what it could be (intimacy); analysis of possible solutions vs what it should be (conversion); action plan vs what will be (mission).
We spent the afternoon of Thursday, July 11, exploring the document and thinking about how we will implement it. Examining the fundamental motives of men who want to join the MSCs is necessary. Are they interested in becoming priests or consecrated men? If their primary motive is to be ordained, they must attend seminaries. This requires that the formators need to be well-trained. The Emmaus Document is the responsibility of all MSCs’ not the sole responsibility of the formators. The General Administration was tasked with creating an outline for the report on perpetual vows that is consistent for all entities.
On Friday, July 12th, the day began with a Zoom meeting with Bram Tulusan and Simon Lumpini, who, along with Humberto, shared their joy in sharing this moment of encounter. They highlighted the importance of initial formation and the contribution made in formation in favour of the Congregation. They stressed that, for the past 30 years, the formation was based on the Valladolid Document. Then, in 2023, the Emmaus Document was created not to replace the Valladolid document but to maintain continuity.
The Superiors’ meeting. Monday, July 15th, and Tuesday 16th, the superiors’ meeting took place. The issues concerning the progress of the CA-MSC were discussed. It was decided that the next meeting of the CA-MSC will be held in Venezuela (if the political situation allows it) or in Peru from July 13 to 20, 2026.
The new CA-MSC Team. In a tone of discernment, we asked who could help us in the service of CA-MSC coordination in the coming years. The use of vocational texts provides us with illumination to accept community and ecclesial services. In small groups of two, we questioned ourselves: What measures can be taken to continue this entity’s approach, help, and enlightenment? Who is capable of assisting us on this journey?
Following a moment of reflection, the assembly read the statutes of the CA-MSC approved in 2013. The document stipulates that the coordination team is elected for four years. Because Juan Tomás has not finished his mandate as coordinator, he is no longer a provincial, and he accompanies the novices but doesn’t feel ready to handle both duties, it is proposed to reform the statutes. After a lively exchange of opinions, it was determined to make changes to article 4.2 of the Statutes so that the term of the coordinating team is two years, with a possible renewal for another two years. Thus, the election of coordinators will be held at regular CA-MSC meetings every two years.
Given the change in the statutes, the current coordinator, Juan Tomás García, resigns as coordinator and proposes the election of a new coordinator. The assembly accepted the resignation with seven votes in favour and two abstentions. The election was then held, with an elective assembly composed of nine members.
The new coordinating team was elected: with eight votes, Raúl Ruiz Mena from Central America is the new coordinator, and with six votes, Mesías Neyra Huamàn from Peru is the new vice-coordinator. Both agreed to serve for two years.
The situation of the Andean Union, new structures, Spirituality course, CorAmérica, and the Latin American Theologate. The Andean Union was created on January 6, 2022. The statutes were designed and approved. The Union was established to address the situation where the region of Peru was left after Germany transferred it to the General Administration. The General Administration’s inability to sustain the region led them to propose the creation of the Union, anticipating that other entities in the area would face the same situation. One concern is that some entities will be left without any reference to the province they belong to when the mother province disappears.
The Union was established to open the doors and facilitate the process. Peru agrees, but time will tell. There is currently a dialogue between the Province of Ireland and Venezuela. Although the Province of Ireland has decided Venezuela should be part of the Union, they have no intention of immediately breaking relations with Venezuela.
The new structures of the CA-MSC. Absalón Alvarado reminded the participants in a WhatsApp message of the convenience of considering our commitments in our General Chapter during our meeting, particularly regarding a territorial entity in Latin America. Rethinking the current structures of the CA-MSC is a way to begin moving in this direction. Do we maintain them or propose new structures? What actions do we take? Below are the conversations that took place.
Thinking of an international house for the pre-novitiate was perceived as problematic because of the characteristics of young people in their early stages, such as instability. Young people are starting their formation experience. Although Brazil has already had this experience since last year with the pre-noviciate of the three provinces, it should be remembered that they are provinces of the same country. The pre-novitiate is a year before the novitiate, at the end of philosophy. Brazilians have dreamed of a common theologate and are already taking steps in this direction.
A common pre-novitiate of young people who go to a common novitiate is well considered, and if they go to a common theologate, it is much better. This would make it easier to free up staff for the accompaniment and avoid having each instance devote formators independently.
Economically speaking, maintaining an international house is a great challenge, given that income sources are being reduced in most cases. We acknowledge the necessity of ensuring our current structure. Then, we should look with the new coordination team of the CA-MSC to what steps we can take together with the other territorial entities and the General Leadership Team to follow up our commitments, which express our hopes as a Congregation.
The attention will be directed towards the recommendations and suggestions of the General Chapter by the new CA-MSC coordinator until we arrive at the 2025 General Conference in São Paulo, Brazil. We believe in what the General Chapter has proposed, and we commit ourselves to going in that direction in dialogue with the General Administration. We acknowledge that we need more information about the process. We are willing to participate in the process, but we need more time to become familiar with the dynamics. We have a desire to participate, but we are unsure of how to become involved in the process.
Spirituality course. The next course will be held in Guatemala, possibly in July 2026.
CorAmérica continues its mission. The last course of Spirituality offered was in Lima in July-August 2023. It takes over the formation of the first five years. The team is available to respond to any invitation from the entities.
The Dominican Republic province invited CorAmérica to accompany them for their week of permanent formation in April 2024 on the person and work of Father Julio Chevalier within the framework of celebrating the 200 years of his birth.
Both Peru and the Dominican Republic recall that each year they have their rhythm of two meetings per year for retreat and formation. Despite the distance, Central America has chosen to hold an annual formation meeting in addition to the retreat.
Brazil is saying it is doing well in accompanying its members up to the first five years in ministries. They also express that in bringing together all the MSCs living their first years of ministry, it would be necessary to consider their economic involvement, travel and stay outside their usual places of life. The province of Rio is carrying out the accompaniment to MSCs over 50 years old to follow up on health, spirituality, etc. CorAmérica could help with that. São Paulo holds two yearly events: an assembly and a retreat.
The situation of the Latin American Theologate, located in El Salvador, was presented by Jorge Gómez Rodríguez. He feels encouraged by the experience, with challenges from work in formation, the penal system, parish collaboration and other commitments. He thanked the visit of Moacir, the support of Raúl and the visit of other confreres from other provinces and Central America. Due to the impossibility of obtaining the necessary visas to travel to El Salvador, religious from Haiti have been unable to participate. Over the past two years, five Haitian students have been absent due to the chaotic socio-political situation in their country.
El Salvador is the land of martyrs. We are encouraged by the great witness of St. Oscar Romero and the martyrs of El Salvador. The theological faculty of the Central American University (UCA) in San Salvador is in line with liberation theology. Several factors helped us prepare for the mission: the Hope Recovery House, assisting the penitentiary with those deprived of liberty, accompanying the parish communities and the pastoral of mercy.
The theologians are: 1st year: Luis (El Salvador); 2nd year: Mateus Henrique (Brazil), José (Guatemala), Yefry and Ronald (Dominican Rep.), Kevin (El Salvador) and Rafael (Mexico); 3rd year: Mateus Borodiak (Brazil), Nicolás and Edgar (Guatemala). For the next year 11 students are projected in the house. Ideally, there should be three members of the formation team. Currently, they are Jorge and Jozef Geeuricks (Zeca). A third person is welcome. The Dominican Republic commits to preparing a confrere to be part of the Team of Formators of the Theologate for 2026-2029. Brazil will begin the common pre-noviciate this year, along with the common novitiate. They must have formators every three or six years, rotating between provinces.
The monthly fee for each student is $1,000, which covers university tuition, food, transport, services, salaries, allowances, etc. There is a lack of funds to maintain “Casa Padre José María Gran”. We had a big expense to renovate the water well pump and needed to replace the house’s roof. To obtain funding for these expenses, a project could be submitted.
We must be convinced that the common theologate is a positive step for CA-MSC, which integrates us as MSC and that it is vital that we support it by sending theology students. Peru is open to sending its students when they have them.
The entire responsibility mustn’t be left to the formators of the Theologate. The superiors must visit the Theologate and evaluate its performance after ten years. If a provincial is unable to come, he should appoint a delegate. A celebration could be organised to mark that realisation.
The Assembly’s evaluation. The participants said they learned a lot and thanked each one for their welcome and understanding. It was excellent. Humberto’s presence was a blessing during those fruitful days. Our brothers have been trustworthy. We all expressed our gratitude to the Colombian community. We felt at home.
We discussed a few points to improve our meetings. It is important to send the agenda, statutes, and minutes from the previous meeting two weeks before the meeting. This will give each participant a clear idea of the meeting. We need to improve our communications. Knowing how to organise ourselves is crucial for effective decision-making. A statement of income and expenditure from the last meeting must be provided to all participants. Virtual meetings could be held regularly to prepare for the meeting. Ask someone to introduce us to the reality of the country where the bi-annual assembly is held.
The outings were highly valued. One day was dedicated to visiting the national shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquirá, the patron saint of Colombia. It was a pleasant day with a positive community atmosphere. We also visited Ubaté, Ráquira, and Villa de Leiva. On another occasion, the confrères invited us to attend mass at the parish community of Santa Margarita in Kennedy, which is the eighth locality of Bogotá. The community greeted us with overwhelming emotion and enthusiastically participated in large numbers. Then, the MSC community and the lay MSCs offered us lunch and an enjoyable cultural play area, which made us feel like part of a great family, the Chevalier family. We ended the day listening to football! Unfortunately, Colombia lost.
The Assembly’s conclusion. On July 16, at 12:24, the CA-MSC meeting came to an end with the new coordinating team being chosen, which was followed by a Eucharistic celebration and dinner. We were reminded by the new coordinator, Raúl, about our shared responsibility and that the Lord will lead us in completing this congregational project. Let’s meet again in two years! Until then, let’s keep in touch.
Bernard Mongeau, MSC