Accompaniment: France, Belgium, the Netherlands & North Germany
Saturday June 22, 2024

Bernard Mongeau, MSC. From 13 March to 3 April 2024. I visited various European MSC communities to represent the General Council and to get to know the confreres better.
France. On March 13, with Joaquín HERRERA BAYÓN, superior of Italy, I arrived in Issoudun in the late afternoon to participate in two meetings.
Meeting on the occasion of the birthday of Jules Chevalier – 1824 – 2024. On March 15, in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, with the presence of approximately one hundred people, Daniel AUGUIÉ, MSC, and Raymonde GASSER, FNDSC, presented us with 18 paintings, a brief history of the life of our Founder, as well as a journal of his spiritual journey. Subsequently, André BOHAS told us about the progress of Jules Chevalier’s cause. The day we ended with the office of Vespers. Early in the morning of the 17th, we took the bus to Richelieu, in Indre et Loire, Chevalier’s birthplace, with the provincials of Spain, Ireland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, North Germany, as well as the Superior of Italy, some confrères from Issoudun and a Daughter of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart accompanied by a laywoman. In the morning, Bishop Xavier Malle, Bishop of Gap Embrun, celebrated Mass with the confrères in the church of Notre Dame. Afterwards, a meal was served by the parishioners, who were happy to welcome us.
Meeting of European Provincials. On 18 and 19 March, the meeting of the Provincials of Europe took place with a view to the possible construction of the European MSC Union. Attendees were: Theo te WIERIK from the Netherlands, Joe McGEE from Ireland, Herman COOREMAN from Belgium, Daniel AUGUIÉ from France-Switzerland, Paco BLANCO from Spain, Dieter AFHUPPE from North Germany, and Joaquín HERRERA BAYÓN from Italy. The secretary, Raymond LIÈVRE from France, was also present. Three translators, including Roland DOUCHIN from France, André CLAESSENS from Belgium and Jaime ROSIQUE from Spain. Michael HUBER from Southern Germany/Austria was absent and excused.
In the afternoon of the same day, discussions focused on the following themes: how do we envisage the establishment of the European MSC Union; what are our questions, our projects, the perspectives, the obstacles and the steps to take; how do we welcome and live with the MSCs from abroad who are either studying or ministering in Europe; how do we envisage that MSCs from abroad who are on mission in Europe will be members of the European MSC Union? These are issues that have given rise to many clarifications and other questions. So, what points appear to be obstacles, and how can we deal with them?
On the 19th, conversations continued with clarification questions and practical topics. For example, local civil laws must be respected so that each entity does not lose its tax status or legal recognition. On the civil level, some entity names include the word Province, which cannot be changed, or only the Provincial can be responsible for civil matters. We then found that changing certain civil documents can be complicated. It was also a question of clarifying the status of foreign confrères, whether as students or on a mission and that they should be prepared before their arrival and accompanied personally and spiritually. In the same way, the host entities must be prepared to welcome colleagues from another culture. These are topics already considered during the 2023 General Chapter.
On the occasion of the General Chapter, it was proposed that the first members would be the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, North Germany, and later Spain, Ireland, South Germany, and Austria. Entry into the European MSC Union will be gradual, according to the decisions taken during the provincial chapters. Once these decisions have been taken, the canonical status of each entity will change from a province to that of a local community under the responsibility of the Generalate before joining the MSC Union of Europe. Thus, Italy already has this status as a local community. June 7, 2024, is the date of the change of status of the Netherlands.
After these two meetings in France, I visited the confrères of Belgium, the Netherlands, and North Germany before ending with a visit to Strasbourg. I would like to thank all the confrères of the local communities who welcomed me with heart and tenderness and who were willing to make me aware of their local realities, the sick confrères, and certain organisations. I also thank the colleagues of the international community in Belgium.
Let us remain united in the Heart of Him who dwells in ours.