Monday October 18, 2021

On October 6th, 2021, the MSC Indonesian Province have celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of the province. Before it became an autonomous province, MSC Indonesia was under the Dutch MSC Province. However, after going through various preparations, the MSC General Conference in Rome in October 6th, 1971 erected the MSC Indonesian Province and appointed Fr. P.S. Hardjasoemarta to be the first Provincial Superior.
The Acts of the MSC General Conference, held in Rome from 5 to 15 October 1971, states: “On October 6th, 1971, the General Conference erected the MSC Province of Indonesia. Consequently, Fr Hardjasoemarta is the first provincial superior of the new province.” The preceding text says: “Indonesia has been a Vice-Province, or Provincial Administration since 1961. The special Provincial Chapter held in June 1971 judged that the time had come to ask for the erection of the Indonesian Province. The number of native-born Indonesians has been steadily increasing: 32 priests, 21 brothers, 20 students. Furthermore, there are still many foreign-born MSC working in Indonesia (136). These are free to decide whether they become members of the new Province or remain members of their Province of origin” (Analecta MSC, N. IV, Anno LXIX – 1971, p. 322). Since then, MSC Indonesia has been independent, managing its life and ministry independently, apart from the Dutch Province.
Many events have shaped the MSC Indonesian Province as it is today and towards the future. Therefore, celebrating the 50th foundation anniversary is a historical moment that deserves to be remembered and celebrated – remembering the
great works of God experienced in the history of God’s People, especially the journey of the MSC Congregation in Indonesia. This 50th foundation anniversary is not only an opportunity for Indonesian MSC to remember and celebrate, but also to renew their being and actions. Therefore, the theme is “Becoming Disciple of the Sacred Heart of Jesus who Remembers, Celebrates, and Renews His Being and Doing.”
In order to make this 50th foundation anniversary meaningful, the Provincial Superior with his Council launched the Jubilee Year in October 6th, 2020. The opening ceremony of the 50th Jubilee began with the celebration of the Eucharist, followed by a short ceremony to mark the start of the Jubilee Year. The launching ceremony took place in the Chapel of the Mother House in Jakarta and was broadcast virtually. In addition, following the launching ceremony, members of the province also marked the opening of the Jubilee Year in every District and Local Communities with different planned activities.
The Provincial Superior with his Council formed a committee in the province, headed by Fr. Florianus Miranta MSC (the vicar) to coordinate various activities to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the MSC Indonesian Province.
The committee worked to construct the history of the MSC Indonesian Province; to organize materials for reflection on the theme of the jubilee year; to construct a survey questionnaire and to present the results on the “being and doing”; to compose prayers; to prepare liturgies and to deepen understanding of the special prayers of the MSC; to prepare events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the province ; to produce publications and documentation; to hold social services and to raise funds to support activities of the 50th anniversary of the MSC Indonesia Province. Apart from the Province Committee, local committees were also formed in each District and Local Community.
The journey and growth of the MSC Indonesian Province cannot be separated from cooperation and partnership with the dioceses, institutions, diocesan priests, religious congregations, lay people and other partners. Therefore, this 50th Jubilee celebration is not merely a celebration of MSC but is expected to also involve our partners and all the faithful people. However, due to the Coronavirus pandemic situation, many activities were carried out internally, such as the preparation and publication of a book series on the history of the MSC Indonesian Province; prayers and novenas for the Jubilee Year; webinars on special prayers of MSC; recollection and reflections to deepen the theme of the Jubilee Year in the District and Local Communities; webinars on the theme “communio, missio, leadership and the future”. The committee has been preparing a memorial book and a ceremony for the 50th Anniversary of the Province. In addition to the activities coordinated by the Committee in the Province, each District and Local Community also carried out various activities to celebrate the Jubilee Year according to their context.
Thus, as a Province that is growing and developing, and remembering the historical milestones that have formed the province, together with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, all members of the MSC Indonesian Province exclaim: “My soul magnifies the Lord……. For the Mighty One has done great things for us” (Luke 1:49). Let us gratefully remember this historical moment: “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere loved!” (Ametur ubique terrarum Cor Jesu Sacratissimum).
Yoseph Harbelubun , MSC
(Province of Indonesia)