Monday October 18, 2021

Celebration at Riobamba´s Cathedral
“Pilgrims of Hope”,
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart,
We celebrate 25 years of many lives
Given in mission.
A Jubilee year always requires preparation, many meetings, planning, programming, organisation and expectations. Especially when it is celebrated in times of pandemic. But, as we dedicate it to our Mother Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, there is no need to fear, as she does everything in our Congregation.
The health emergency made us reflect and reorganise many things. On August 10, 2020, during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the religious life of Father Francisco Wellikin, in the Canton of Chunchi, Province of Chimborazo, Ecuador, we declared this Jubilee Year open. We all remember Chevalier’s phrase: “There is our post” (Chevalier 1875) and that of Father Jouet: “We all dreamed of a foundation in Quito”. Now this dream is a reality!
From what was programmed for the Jubilee Year, we highlight two very significant events, the conversation by Zoom with all the MSC who are part of these 25 years. This was a moment in which we shared the experiences lived by each one of us, very significant experiences! A very motivating moment. Among many novenas and parish celebrations to make this Jubilee Year known, we also highlighted our ordinary MSC meeting of the Section in May. In this second significant event we shared the devotion and affection we have for Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. We studied the booklet, “Our Lady of the Sacred Heart”, published by our confreres in Spain. At the end of our meeting we celebrated the Eucharist for the enthronement of the official image in the chapel of the Formation House. The image was specially made as a frame for our jubilee year. Carved in cedar wood and with a photochromatic painting by the Escuela Quiteña de artes.
The first festive closing mass of the Jubilee Year was celebrated with a great popular devotion in the parish of Santo Domingo de Guzmán in the Cantón Chunchi, on Sunday, September 5, 2021. Monsignor José Bolívar, bishop administrator of the Diocese of Riobamba, presided over the celebration, concelebrated by the MSC of the Ecuadorian Section. Delegations from the communities and parishes served by the MSC shared in the celebration. Father Paco and the Chuncheños organised a beautiful celebration. Many tributes, many thanks, memories and hugs. The bishop highlighted our spirituality and charism in his homily. He showed himself to be knowledgeable about our history. With a lot of patience he welcomed every gesture, words and symbols presented in the celebration. At the end Fr. Mario, representing the Provincial of Curitiba, Fr. Dirceu, thanked all those present.
The second festive mass was held in the cathedral of Riobamba, on the 7th September, the 25th anniversary of MSC presence in Ecuador, where we gathered to give thanks to our Mother. A beautiful mass presided by Monsignor Victor Corral Mantilla, bishop emeritus of the diocese of Riobamba. We remembered the day that Monsignor Fernando Panico, msc blessed us and sent us from the Shrine of Vila Formosa, São Paulo, Brazil. With the Blessed Mother in his hands, he gave us the sending forth blessing. Here in Ecuador the first day we entered the cathedral (07/09/1996), She received us, together with Monsignor Victor. The image of our patron saint was prominently displayed in the presbytery. Together with many friends, benefactors, priests of the diocese, religious men and women, we expressed our thanksgiving. Monsignor stressed the importance of our presence for the diocese and the Church of Riobamba. He spoke of our ability to work as a team, of our efforts at inculturation, of our participation in the Presbytery and above all of our choice to be in the most difficult and distant places for pastoral work. Excited and grateful, he blessed not only the MSC, but also the whole Chevalier Family that is already in Ecuador.
The jubilee has truly been a year of grace. The question remains: “If we were to start the mission today, where would the Protagonist of the mission, the Holy Spirit, lead us ? There are many challenges to face and to build up for another 25 years, if God allows it and if Our Lady, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, protects us!
Fr. Moacir, msc
Superior of the MSC Ecuador Section